I met you exactly a year ago. I should probably rephrase my sentences so I sounded a little more right. I officially knew you on 12th August 2014,
over a driving exam yet I properly only knew you after the wedding we both attended in December 2015.
You have been nothing but amazing.
The super long talks with you have been nothing more than to learn about you and to know you better.
When you finally decided to open up and told me what had happened to you throughout the months that
I wasn't with you, tears rolled down my cheek. Because, I realized that you did not deserved any of the followings that has happened. Especially to you.
It hurt so much. It hurt real good. I realized that nothing should even happen to you and being one of the last
to know about the incident, I figured that was what hurt me the most. I sobbed even harder on the phone.
When you told me that you cared for me than anyone else, my heart listened to you so well, but my ears and mouth shut you down telling you off that I would never believe the lies that comes out from your filthy mouth.
You asked how am I doing without you. I couldn't crack my voice to tell you that I have been awful and miserable at the very first stage, but then slowly,
I moved on. I learned and discovered a new side of me that I never though existed. I found a NEW me. I found the me who was able to breathe and live, without you.
You asked me how was being away from you felt like and I kept quiet and diverted question away to tell you about my holidays. I spoke to you about my grandparents which I honestly think you could not be bothered about. We speak about gambling a little and
I promised to teach you the next time I see you.
Back to basics shall we? We spoke about parents and we spoke about our loved ones and our memories.
We speak of our strength and of our weaknesses.
We spoke about US.
I couldn't help but to tell you about my friends,
my closed ones. You made me choose between them and you yet, in a blink of an eye my answer was them. It was always them and it is always gonna be them.
I speak to you about the new guy I am having and
you sounded concern but I knew deep down, who am
I even barely cheating on. You probably no longer care. So no two cents should even be given from your side about how you care about me any longer, right?

I thought and thought to myself and I hear the tone of happiness and that glint in your voice as you speak of her. The new her. And, you continued story telling me of how the both of you met and how you both fell
for one another. I was honestly happy for you.
Though I couldn't help to feel the pang in my heart but I knew I had no choice but to protect myself to not feel this way anymore. I had no choice but to let you go.
To move on. And then, there's you, who clearly convinced me that you need me in your life.
You came clean to me. Everything about it.
Everything about you. I have had no one who has ever done that, yet you were the first. You speak to me what happened that night when I left. How your following nights were. And how you handled your work. I am happy, that others have been keeping you occupied and you're finally, truthfully happy. Honestly.
I was happy for you to have found HER. It felt like
you got me replaced just within seconds of your life.
You wanted honesty out of me as well,
I couldn't help it. I tell you of the two photos that
you shared which clearly have hurt my feelings.
I speak to you about the two persons I loathe seeing you hang around with. I knew at that very instant that, your past life still calls for you, yet, you kept on going back to answer it. It was one of the few reasons why did I even decided to let you go. Remember when I questioned you that if you keep answering your past, how would you even have a future with me?
You made me a promise you said you would keep up, this year. I fear for you. I honestly do. And when I tell you of all the things I do, you freaked for a while and questioned me of the things I do in my daily life.
I am not ready one bit to let you go.
Heck, I am not even ready for university.
I know I am not.
I am not done lazing around and visiting people yet.
I still have so much to do, yet so little time.
It was then, when I gulped my saliva down my throat
asked you the most important question of the night, and I said, did you for one second of your life,
missed me at all?
And secretly and discreetly, I could hear you take a long deep breath and after a silent pause,
you answered me a silent and a strong YES.
I don't know why or what the reasons are but my answer is definite now, cause darling boy, you are the only exception. And I know I want this with you, cause at the end of the day, it is what that matters and
I know, very well, that my heart, tell me that you are WORTH IT.
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