MØ understands my soul. I had to dance along.
Blow kiss fire gun all we need is somebody to lean on.
I woke up this morning staring at myself in the mirror realizing how much my features resembles my dad as
I grow older. Today is going to be a good day!
Today was supposed to be a good day!
At least, that's what I thought.
I showered and put my make up on and even threw on a dress which did not work out. And I opted to change into a jumpsuit and then, gave up. I went in for the kill and went for plain basic white t-shirt and a matching shorts instead because it was when I realized that
it was just going to be a short mini lunch hour with
my favourite buddy so why bother? Right?

So, I drew on my lipstick along the curves of my lips correctly and I picked out a new set of earrings and put them on and grabbed the recently hand made bracelet and off I go in my tee, shorts and black flats.

To go out itself is one scenario at hand when I was torn whether to drive down to KLCC town or to even to take the public transport, bus, there? After much tormenting myself, I decided to abandon the car and take the bus. Halfway through the journey, praying along the way that I would not be lost and that I would be alright, because I could have sworn the last time
I took a Rapid bus in town was in 2013, which was to school, and mind you, that was insanely three years ago. I hopped on the bus and managed to switch lanes and I thank God for blessing my strong memory strength and memory power that I can still remember the way there though. I managed to scramble my way through to the city centre and I had a really good mamak food and catching up session with the old buddy. I did not have a photo with her since she was rushing off and that lunch hour lasted for only an hour and I really did wanted to get her a souvenir, but
I knew that if I was going to buy it, she would not have accepted it, so I customized and handmade something for her instead and hoped she loved the new bracelet
I specially made for her though it turned out to be
a little loose for her. It looks a little like this though!

Been realizing that I am so crazily in love making bracelet and this one was for Teddy that I made.
I miss him already thou. But, lets go back to the point.
This story that I am bound to write today talks
about what happened on my route home.
I left after lunch at two p.m. sharp and instead of supposedly having to take the Purple Lane heading home, I jumped onto a wrong bus and climbed into the Green Lane bus instead. So, that having been wrong,
I unboarded the bus only at Jalan Raja Chulan and started walking past Bukit Nanas and Telekom Museum to Segi College blessing my whole world
that these little things make me smile so much.
I am such a sucker for museums I swear.
Bukit Nanas Reserve!
The Telekom Museum!
So, I stopped for apple juice and continued on walking some more and I bumped into an old friend of mine from tuition and we chatted a little. Her name was Tiffanny Kong and I still remember her so well. We managed to catch up on life a ltitle. So, I was on my way home, when, I saw a lady, around my age, was crying in the bus I was boarding home. Mind you, the whole bus was filled with people and I couldn't stand the tears because freaking curiosity got to me and
I stood up from my seat and I stroded slowly to her.
I sat next to this Chinese girl and as I looked at her with my big bulgy eyes, she couldn't stop sobbing and she was crying even louder as I sat next to her.
Wiping her eyes with the tissue papers that she has
in her hands yet the tears wouldn't stop falling!
"Are you okay, miss?" Was all that I asked. No! She shouted and the whole bus went quiet and all eyes was on us. We were seated in the middle. I really wanted to flee, I honestly wanted to just run and screw this helping people out crap. But I hung on and,
I looked at her once more and rubbed her back and
I really tried to make a joke. I said, it is not the end of the world okay? Whatever that has happened, everything is going to be alright.
Her tears slowed down as she took the tissue papers off her face and off her eyes. I could have sworn by the way she was rubbing her eyes, I honestly thought that her eyes was going to plunged out of their socket.
She looked at me and began her story.
This was all that she said,
" I was madly in love with a boy since I was 17. Name it all. I have done it all just for him she said. From work to putting food on the table to surprises to wanting to marry this guy. I have done it all for him. And today, after seven years being together, I got sick at work, and I asked for the day off earlier, so that I could go back home and rest and sleep it off. And when I got back, I caught him in bed with another lady".
And her tears came back, like a waterfall once again. She was just crying and crying and crying and she leaned on my shoulder and I couldn't have been any more numb. I was stuck. I was never put in such a situation before, and I didn't know what to do. My blouse was wet soaked with her tears but I couldn't be bothered because she was shaking so hard and was trembling with words. I knew that she was forcing words out of her throat/ She could barely even breathe. My heart aches as I see this lady right here.
She continued speaking, "and right now, my only issue is that I don't know where am I supposed to go or what am I supposed to do, she claimed!"
She cried even harder and
I almost cried along with her as well.
"Tell me, what should I do?", she cried! I froze. I knew that she wanted answers out of me. And the answers are ones that would be too hurtful to hear. The truth is always bitter or so, that's what I thought at least.
And, I forced words out of my curvy lips yet there are no words that would come to my rescue.
I coughed a little before I continued so that I could avoid it looking so awkward. I tried to bring my voice back into my voice box and I looked directly at her in her red eyes and said, there is nothing that you can do, besides living for yourself right now. What you should do is to go home, go back HOME where your heart and soul truly belongs and that is wherever your mummy and daddy is. Go back to your old parents and restart in life. Get back on tow feet and restart your life! Dump his old ass cause you know that you deserve better. Give yourself another chance at life and you should know that life is full of possibilities and it is full of miracles! I looked at her hard and I sounded so serious that I wanted my words to burn into her soul.
She looked at me blatantly straight. I could have sworn at that moment that I thought she could look straight right through me. And I realized that everyone else in the bus was always looking at us as I was actually shouting my way and those words through to her. I kept the positive words coming. Not bothering who was staring, or who was dissing, or even who was just plainly shooting me the look. I said, I may not know you, but you are stronger than this, girl. You are. You deserve so much more in life than to be treated like this in life. So, please respect yourself more enough to walk away from this piece of shit who is not worth it!
It was then when the bus came to a halt and she has to alight from the bus. Before she jumped off, she looked at me and asked, could she have a hug? And I stood up, almost immediately and I gave her the hardest hug I have given anybody in my whole life and I whispered in her ears to say that girl, you are worth it! Please know that. She turned to peck me on my cheek and said, thank you, kind stranger.
And it was then when it hit me like a bullet train that maybe, sometimes, it is all that we needed after all
in life, a tight hug from a random stranger
who we met on the bus or on the streets.
I climbed back into my seat and slouched and realized that I have missed the bus stop home and
I have to take another bus back home.
And I thought to myself, today was supposed
to be a good day, wasn't it?
Anyways, here's a picture of my view for lunch today. Credits to the baby iphone six.
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