Manchala man chalaa, teri ore,
Manchala mann chalaa, teri ore.
Khamoshiyon ki. Sooraton mein,
Dhoondhe tera shor.
Translation :
This mad heart, goes towards you.
This mad mad heart, goes towards you.
This mad mad heart, goes towards you.
At this point of silence,
It looks for all of your noises.
Hello dear blog readers.
How are you lovelies? I am back for my second post of the year. If you have been following me up, on both my social networks, Facebook and Twitter, you would have realized that I have been keeping myself pretty occupied with movies, Hindi movies in specific. One fact that I have been watching them like mad. From Humpty Sharma Ki Duhalnia, to Student Of The Year, to Hasee Toh Phasee. And this is the one movie,
I would talk about today though.
Hasee Toh Phasee was released a year ago and I finally sat down to watch it last Friday morning. Ratings for the movie from me would be of 8/10. "Hasee Toh Phasee" in simpler words means, "when she smiles, it means she is snared". There was one scene in the movie that got me crying like a baby. I really reckon all of you, like each and everyone of you to go watch the movie. The most heart warming part was when this main heroine actually ran away from home to Goa after stealing all the money for her sister's wedding dowry just to support her Physics project. Because of this, her Pappa actually suffered heart attack and was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit ( I.C.U ) that night before her sister's wedding. The thing was, after seven years, she returned back home to say sorry to her Pappa, everyone else was just screaming and yelling at her. Everyone was basically throwing tantrums off at her asking why did she even bother returning after so long. That was when her eldest uncle actually stepped into the living room to give her a tight slap. Hot tears were running down her cheek when her Pappa told her uncle to hit her again. But before that, her father screamed at everyone to ask everyone to shut up and to calm down. He told everyone off that it was true that she ran off with the money but there was never a day where he don't think of her. Of how she is living on the streets or whether how is she doing fine? Her father was basically standing up for her despite all these years. The father said something that made me cry so hard. It was then when he looked at everyone in the living hall and said, so what if she steals the money? Those money were bound to be hers anyways one day. She stole them from her own father. So what? He was literally screaming at everyone just for this youngest daughter of his, the main heroine. That was when, I started crying. When he said, so what is wrong if this daughter of mine is so similar to me? Isn't it okay to be different? It is really a short story and a really simple one. So I was basically crying all alone. Do watch it everyone! Make sure you do.
So, after finishing the movie that morning, I did laundry and I went to start packing my things. I ran in to take a quick shower and as I was reading up on Singapore to plan for an upcoming trip with my sisters, the clock showed 13:30 hours in the afternoon. The next thing I knew was, a silver Myvi was driving up my driveway. It was then when I knew my old high school buddy, Ashu is here to pick me up for lunch and to crash her place for a night. We both went for lunch after that in Pat Kin Pat Sun. We spoke and we caught up all that we have missed over this years. Funny isn't it? How fast time flies? It has been two years since the both of us sat, met and spoke. And it amazes me at how the both of us are always able to sit and talk and we would be able to update each other about our lives in these past two years. What we have been missing out of each other. I shall keep all those conversations to myself, I suppose? :D I paid for lunch that day since we were in my area and we left to do shopping in Mid Valley. We managed to entered, PDI, Jusco, Mango, Forever 21, Cotton On, Nichii and Topshop for the day. I shall let the pictures to the talking for me, no? Here you go ;
Before we realized it, the time has already showed five in the evening and we rushed off to KL Festival City Mall to do more shopping for the day.
I managed to get a pair of jumpsuit from Cotton On here though. We took more photos there. Here they are. Gosh, I really look exhausted these days.
Forgive me for my eyebags though.

We went back to her place once her dad called as the clock was showing seven at night. We rushed over, showered, prayed and we left for dinner. It had always been amazing meeting her father. He has always give me a father's figure to look up to. It really touches my heart that he always welcomes me over anytime and anywhere though. I miss that guy :') We left shortly after to pick her sister up from college and we went for dinner. I had fried kuey teow at a mamak shop that night. When we got home, I was so exhausted that I watched television for a while and begged her to let me sleep at eleven that night.
We woke up the next day at seven in the morning and fetched her sister to college for exams. Insane isn't it? Exams on a Saturday. We were just talking our way through towards Multimedia Science University ( M.S.U ) and we were just really blabbering away in the car. We came back to catch a really good movie on Diva Universal. After that, we showered and went for a really good breakfast. Here are pictures of them a typical Malaysian breakfast for myself,
Nasi Lemak with teh tarik in the morning.
The three of us, Ashu, her dad and myself then drove to pick her sister up after exams and we headed to Sky for lunch. I had the best tom yam pan mee ever. Seriously. Look at this!

The noodles were so hot that I couldn't take it. Hot as in the heat hot. Not the spicy hot. I had to literally ask for it to take away and go back to her house to eat because the three of them had finished eating whereby I was still chewing on my third bite. So we went back her house when everyone took naps. Ashu went to do her laundry and she was busy taking selfies but I couldn't be bothered because I was really hungry. Want a prove? Have a look at this.
I was just busy eating whereby she was
just posing for photographs though.
Shortly after that, I asked her to send me home in the evening because I had to do laundry for the day and to cook dinner that night. Dear Ashu, sincerely from the bottom of my heart thank you so much for the sleepover. This was the first after our so many years of friendship in CBN, and there are many more to come. Don't worry, I have already took up the job to be your bridesmaids, so get married quickly okay?
Came home to catch up things with mum and got myself storage boxes like finally. Went out with mum to get them at last. Came back with dinner for everyone. Was supposed to go night market when the rain started pouring heavily. So, we decided to skip the plan and just to stay home. I did some packing finally of my old stuffs and went to shower then sleep later after that. Woke up just to work this morning and I just sat away for food during lunch and movies the whole day. The Runaways. Osthe. Running Man. Finally made up my mind to blog so here I am. I got to go off for food again right now. I don't know whether these days, if I am eating because I am hungry or of because I am bored or just simply because I am sad?
To be honest, there are just so much going on right now. Things are going on simultaneously that I really don't know what to do because I can feel them. I no longer get excited during shopping hours. I no longer feel happy when I see things that used to make me happy. I don't know what is going on with me. I honestly don't know what is wrong at all. I'll probably write them up soon, I guess? Or maybe I should have just put it pass me, like I always do. But I know, this time round, I might have damaged things. Because, just maybe, I am no longer the one he comes to when he needs someone to talk to. That I am no longer the one he comes for advice anymore. I know,
I have been replaced in his heart. That, I know.
That is all for now, see you next time. Until then, take care. Roomate sent me this last night so yeah.
Thought Of The Day :
If Lord Krishna has always loved Lordess Radha, then why did He needed Lordess Gopi in his life, then?
Love, Raveenaa.
As always xoxo.
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