I'm calm, like the water in the photo.
I'll just pick up from where I left it.
Last Thursday, the best girl friend, Wye Kei and I, conquered Fahrenheit. We met up sharp at twelve noon and had Japanese food for lunch.

Some of you could have pretty much guessed it right at the usual place, Sushi Zanmai and we sat there and spoke for good two hours long.
So happy that we both finally catch up after so long.
Five months just flew by without us both realizing.
After we settled our bills for lunch, we made our way to Mirrorcle and
I got myself a new long-sleeved top for Chinese New Year.
Just wait for it, would you?
We walked over to Brands Outlet for a round before that and then we walked over to Typo in Pavillion later because I needed to get on my creative foot again. It has been too long. Bought something home to be decorated. After that, we went around town to hunt for gifts and we were literally going around like mad freakos when I threw in the towel and told her to stop for a break. It was so hot in the afternoon and I was just too lazy to barely even move. We went to Chatime for tea and we brainstormed for ideas to be made gift. The thing was, have
a look at these photos below. I'll explain them.

The truth was I was going to see someone later that day to pass the coffee that I bought a month ago for him so I couldn't think of any better day other than that to meet him. So Wye Kei and I finally decided on either chocolates because we didn't wanna get him Starbucks cause I was already going to give him Pappa Rich instant coffee that I bought. So, we went to Times Square through Sungei Wang to get chocolates. We even went for a world tour just to find for an ATM machine. Ask us both how did we even managed it. So, we quickly bought the chocolates from Times Square and took a toilet break and before we bid goodbyes, I managed to stress Wye Kei and got myself a new pants from Times Square. We bid goodbyes at five and I rushed off to meet him after that.

Some of you could have pretty much guessed it right at the usual place, Sushi Zanmai and we sat there and spoke for good two hours long.
So happy that we both finally catch up after so long.
Five months just flew by without us both realizing.
After we settled our bills for lunch, we made our way to Mirrorcle and
I got myself a new long-sleeved top for Chinese New Year.
Just wait for it, would you?
We walked over to Brands Outlet for a round before that and then we walked over to Typo in Pavillion later because I needed to get on my creative foot again. It has been too long. Bought something home to be decorated. After that, we went around town to hunt for gifts and we were literally going around like mad freakos when I threw in the towel and told her to stop for a break. It was so hot in the afternoon and I was just too lazy to barely even move. We went to Chatime for tea and we brainstormed for ideas to be made gift. The thing was, have
a look at these photos below. I'll explain them.

The truth was I was going to see someone later that day to pass the coffee that I bought a month ago for him so I couldn't think of any better day other than that to meet him. So Wye Kei and I finally decided on either chocolates because we didn't wanna get him Starbucks cause I was already going to give him Pappa Rich instant coffee that I bought. So, we went to Times Square through Sungei Wang to get chocolates. We even went for a world tour just to find for an ATM machine. Ask us both how did we even managed it. So, we quickly bought the chocolates from Times Square and took a toilet break and before we bid goodbyes, I managed to stress Wye Kei and got myself a new pants from Times Square. We bid goodbyes at five and I rushed off to meet him after that.
The fact that I went to see him was one insane idea. I walked in and have all eyes on me. I literally regretted the exact moment when I walked in to the centre. The voice in my head repetitively told my conscious self that I was only there for him. The fact that I told him I will be there just prove that I have to keep up to my promise right? Sighs. I walked in to pass things over to the counter lady and she refuses to take them from me only to tell me to go see him myself. I dragged myself upstairs half praying that no one would notice me. Secretly wishing I could have vanished from that place. I was just praying to be invincible at that moment. How dumb could I possibly be? The moment I knocked on the door I froze. I literally stood in front of door like a fool. Half wanting to just turn and ran away. To just text or to call him and say that I wasn't going to make it that day though.
I have no idea what it was that made me stay. But it did. I knocked again and I walked in with bravery in my chest. I knew nothing was going to happen. What was the worst that could have possibly happen? Him throwing me out of the class? It is not like it has not happened before, right? So, I walked in with all the guts left inside out of me and there he was. With his tousled hair, in his perfect long sleeved blue shirt and his long pants that stuck on to his body that made him looked even more stunning than he already is. There he was, looking straight into my eyes and then he plastered on a smile towards me. I just stood and the only thing that managed to escape my mouth was merely a loud sigh of relieve. Thank God. He walked over smiling the entire time towards me. Smirking his way. Putting everyone on planet Earth on pause for a while.
I looked over at him and stopped him right where he was standing before he came any closer to me because I knew for a fact that I was about to talk to him for hours if he was to come any closer. Instead, I held up my palm like Iron Man and stopped him, passed over his gifts and he peeked inside them. He thanked me over and over for bringing them over and for troubling me for his needs. I just smiled half telling myself how silly of him that I would have done it even if he hasn't told me to. So, when I turned to leave the class, I looked at him and told him, that is your New Year's Gift, you know that? And he smiled and it was then when he walked over to hug me. I stood there, bewildered. Not knowing what to do. He held me even harder when I just stood there. I wasn't sure as to whether was I suppose to hug him back with people watching us? I supposed not.
So, I just stood like a pole. When we let go of one another, I just smiled to him and told him I was leaving as I had another birthday party event to attend that night. The best thing was the fact I was in my long jumpsuit that day. I left the room and he continued to walk in front to teach. As I was walking away, I halt in the midway and I turned around and ran back to his class, opened the door, half panting, looked at him, smiled and say, Happy New Year 2015, to him. He smiled and laughed at me for being so silly as New Year's was long passed. It was then when I finally looked at him and told him that, I wish nothing this year but for all your wishes to come true. Nothing more and nothing less than that. That your happiness, would be everlasting. He finally smiled at me. That genuine kind of smile telling me that he needed my help and that he would see me next week. That he would find me (: Close story for that day.
Islamic Law results was released that night.
Islamic Law results was released that night.
I finally sat to watch Jayantabhai Ki Luv Story, starring Vivek Oberoi and Neha Sharma. About how a gangster fell in love with a young lady. This movie just marks how love is able to change somebody you know. It just shows how strong love is that it is able to change a gangster to change. No? Does it happens only in movies? Guess so. As I was sitting through the movie, I think it was towards the middle part when I realized I have actually watched the movie before in the theaters. Just shows how much my memories fail me when I needed them most. It was a movie during Valentine's Day from two years back. So,do watch it if you've got time.
Love Girl is more dangerous than a Bhai Girl you know :)
Here is a favourite song of mine from the movie.
This whole movie has only three songs. So I would highly reckon this movie cause I am not someone who loves watching Hindi movies with lots and lots of songs either. It bores me, so do check this movie out.
Ratings by me 7/10 for this movie though :)
Love Girl is more dangerous than a Bhai Girl you know :)
Here is a favourite song of mine from the movie.
Ratings by me 7/10 for this movie though :)

These days, I have been spending my time a lot with the television series, chasing and updating myself back with Running Man. Not forgetting, been doing so much shopping. I wanted to get myself new tops for the Chinese New Year's. But I ended up buying new five pairs of shoes home. Just shows how miserable I am. Besides that, I finally got myself a new peach colored jeans shorts. Been spending money like
water these days, I don't even know is it healthy?
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