You know I like you.
I like that feeling that I get when I am with you.
I like that feeling as if I belong to somebody.
That I belong to you and you give me those gitters that I get in my tummy that gets me feeling this way.
I have always loved the way your eyes whenever they looked at mine. I've always adored the way we looked at each other and I've always felt as if your eyes could actually look into my soul. People say that our eyes are the window to our soul. Is it true? But why do
I only feel connected to you and not other people?
I have always loved the way your eyes whenever they looked at mine and I had always felt as if your eyes could look deep into my soul. People say that our eyes are the window to our soul. Is it true? Why
do I only feel connected when it comes to you?
You know. Call it a dream. Call it a vision.
I have always looked at us and wondered
how things might work out between us.
How would ever get things done?
And I know, that you keep on
insisting upon telling me that YOU are here.
That YOU are here to stay forever and more.

But I always let these little insecurities get to me.
And I cannot help but to overcome them.
Like what if we are married down the road together, YOU think I am such a boring person.
Like what if a person like you,
can find someone so much better than ME.
What if you no longer find me attractive?
Like you used to.
Like maybe I am not that pretty after all?
That, I do, have flaws.
That I am NOT that perfect after all.
That you've discovered.
What happens then?
What if you stopped loving me? I know.
There is just a demon inside of me and I have
always knew that I don't deserve being happy.
I have always knew that you, of all people,
deserves someone better. Someone better than me.
That with a status quo like yours, you do deserve a better standard and a better living. A better and prettier girl than me, at least. But, why do this
heart of mine, yearns so much for you?
Like, if I were to wake up in the middle of the night, crying, would you stay the night up with me, comforting me? Or would you just sleep away? Like after years of seeing me with scars and stretch marks, would you still love them? Like as much as you love me? Or would you pack and run away? Would you ever do that to me? Pack my heart in your suitcase and just leave. Carrying all my dreams of us being together? Tarnishing every memories that we have.
Would you?
Never felt like this before.
Are we friends? Or are we more?
As I'm walking towards the door.
I'm not sure.

But baby if you say, you'd want me to stay,
I'll change my mind.
I want you.
Boy, you don't know how I really feel.
Since you've been away. Oh, baby.
Any chance that you could take my call?
You've been saying you don't wanna talk.
But, it is cool.
I've been thinking about you all day long.
Hoping you pick up your phone.

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