Monday, January 16, 2017

2017 Lovelies.

I am going to really laugh at this ,
but before I begin posting anything, hello! 

My blog turns 6 years old today.
 So congratulations yay! 

Before I even begin writing, 
I ought to say that I have four pending blog rolls. 
One is on drowning, the other is on my Penang trip, 
the third one is a dedication post and lastly ; this one. 

So I thought I might as well release
 this first and name it, 2017. 
Dear 2017,

If there is one thing I could start with I thought 
I should kick off this blog post with a new list of resolution. But, be right back while I die laughing 
at myself, cause who am I going to lie to? It is just going to be another damn to-do-list. But oh well, if it last, then good for me. And if it doesn't then ; so be it. 

I thought I should start with my new 17 New Year's Resolution List. And before I began writing, I dug up my old New Year's List and thought I should revamp and rewrite this whole thing simply because I really want it to be DO ABLE and ACHIEVABLE. 

I am going to be so honest upon writing this post that 
I am so sleepy to even think about anything right now. But, since a few of you have requested on resolutions, 
I guess this would be it. 

Since it is year two thousand and SEVENTEEN right? So, here are my 17 list.
1. Make this year better than 2016, 2015, 2014.....
 and the list goes on.
2. More food hunts.
3. Improve on all physical, mentally 
and most importantly, spiritual being. 

Head more to temples. Do more service instead of prayers. Commit to myself first and then work things out with other people. Really need to start at this age cause I am honestly running out of time. Sighs. 
4. Save money. 

And I mean it okay. 
5. Help others.

I need to go back to volunteering. I need to get this 
old folks' home plans, animal shelters and orphanages home happen. I honestly need to get this going. 
6. More trips. 

Been so long since I last travel, been wanting 
to visit China this year. Fingers crossed. 
7. Family, amma in specific. 

I honestly need to spend more time with her. 
I need to come back home more often and stop spending so much time in university with activities. 
I should travel home weekly, really.
8. Pick up a new hobby.

I've been thinking about going for sewing class. 
Now don't laugh okay. But legit. My mother and my maternal grandmother could sew cheongsam and saree blouses by themselves and then there is me who barely could not even fix a simple hole. I literally find so much trouble to even poke the thread through the string.
9. Write a business plan. 

I've been speaking to you, about executing the business ideas and to actually expanding that. But that being said, I need to start saving first. It is never wrong 
to learn on Unit Trust and Investment, is it? 
10. Read More Books.

Now, by reading, I've come to a realization that a lot 
of my novels are on fictions, Young Adult, animals, 
oh trust me, I have so much on animals thanks to elder brother, but I should probably start reading 
on philosophy and understanding them.
11. Be Kinder to Nature.

I need to learn this I guess. 
To have more greenery in my life. 
12. Keep a journal. In hard copy or through this blog?

I actually scrolled back to my 2011 posts 
and found out that much to my surprise, the reason why I started writing was so that one day, I could pass the username and password to my baby daughter 
just so she could continue writing. And I would tell 
her all of the stories behind each and every post.
13. Bring more peace to my life.

I wouldn't say that 2016 had been very rough on me. Heck I wouldn't even say that it was nice to me. 
But I've come to a realization that I've lost more people than I could keep track of and I need to learn this that, THAT IT IS OKAY, it is okay to lose people and to gain more people. Because those who care wouldn't mind, and those who mind wouldn't even matter. 

So where were we again? 
14. Break a bad habit.

I've been telling others that I really need to stop cursing. I've made it a promise that I am going to do it right this year, that if I actually made it through this year, I vowed to give something back in return. That is for me to know and for you to find out. Winks.
 I actually took a proper oath in front of Shivan to help me out on this matter. I knowwwwww. Scary but I'll be okay. Another note is, EGO must go, no matter 
how high I go, GOT TO STAY LOW. 
15. More tea dates definitely.

As much as I hate to admit it, it makes my teeth yellow ugh. I need to head more to tea sessions. To be honest, I've been thinking about redoing my list every start of the month and I could tick them off by the end
 of the month to see where I have come to though.
16. Become more polite and reduce stress. 

I basically just need to learn to adapt.
 I need to be happy with what I have in life and not seek for more. I need to learn to be grateful with what I have instead of complaining all the time. After all, 
I think, all I need is to reinventing myself, and
 to give myself a whole new of perspective on life.

17. Love deeper, not harder.

To always let people know that I love them. 
That even on the day when I leave planet Earth,
 they would carry a memory of me 
till their very last breath. 

That's about it for now!

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