Many has asked what I have been up to lately.
Many have asked why have I not been writing lately.
I should have been studying the entire day today.
Instead, I chose to write up a post from February 14th this year. Since two of my girls texted me asking how was my Melaka trip earlier this year. I ought to blog
this to share. Read it and tell me what do you think!
So, last Tuesday, on February 10th, Siew Kai Hwei, Lee Fey Yee, Chong Su Theng and myself.
The four of us left for Melaka.
So, I could not sleep that night before.
I woke up at 5:45 a.m. that morning to get myself ready to make my way to Masjid Jamek to pick these girls up. I went for breakfast that morning with mum and younger brother at Vistana Corner. It had been years long since I was last there. I had a real Typical Malaysian breakfast that morning and after that I made my way to the McDonalds in Masjid Jamek to wait
for these girls. I was literally there for one hour
and thirty minutes earlier on plan though.
I sat quietly and listened to music as I wait for time to pass patiently. It was eight in the morning when I leave the fast food restaurant and I made my way to Masjid Jamek train station to grab these girls. They arrived at 08:15 a.m. and the four of us bought tickets and hopped onto STAR LRT and made our way to Bandar Tasik Selatan bus hub. If I wasn't mistaken, we reached the bus station at 08:45 a.m. and we decided to get the earliest bus available to Melaka. We got
our bus tickets that morning heading towards Melaka Sentral at 09:30 a.m. We quickly head over to KFC so these girls can grab breakfast in that 45 minutes time.
It was my first time seeing how Kai Hwei literally gulped down all her food cause we were behind time. We tried discussing about Melaka. On places we wanna head towards first once there but the plan fail and I suggested to only decide once we are in Melaka itself. So, we quickly took a toilet break and we hopped onto the Delima bus express. The bus was late that day. We only pushed off from Kuala Lumpur at
09:52 a.m. that morning and the four us laughed, gossiped, talked, chatted away in the bus. There was a movie by Arnold Schwarzenegger that was playing in the bus that day. The movie was titled The Last Stand. I decided to nap it off for 30 minutes cause' I really feel the exhaustion was already kicking in considering
I have already been awake for almost more than
24 hours long.
Look at who sat next to me in the bus to Melaka.
She was the one who sat with me to and fro Melaka.
She was also the one who slept with me in Melaka.
We reached Melaka Sentral that day at 12:30 p.m.
Look at these happy faces!
We took the Panorama ( local bus ) number 17 to head to the town. The bus ticket costed us RM 1.50 each. Before we knew it, we were standing in the streets of Jonker and the four of us had to slowly figure out the way to out hotels. We were really like blind ladies figuring the way that day though. We were forcing ourselves to remember the way to our hotel with our memory. Once we found our hotel, Da Som Inn,
we finally checked in and settled down
and got a 30 minutes break.
I forced them upon taking this photo because I think the background in this hotel was really beautiful.
Since the four of us were not hungry, we decided to start our travelling heading towards Cheng Hoon Temple in Jonker Street. Here, Fey literally lead us four the way through on how to pray and all that. Thank Lord for her.
After praying, I complained that I was already feeling hungry considering I had breakfast way earlier than
the three of them did. We made our way to hunt for Nancy's Kitchen, in Jonker Street, for lunch.
Credits and gazillion of thank you to Mr. Donald
who actually told me to head over this place for food.
I shall now let the pictures to do the talking for me.
Here are pictures of what we had for lunch that day (:
After finishing our lunch, the four of us
roamed around Jonker Street for a while.
The only two comments I had for the day was that :-
1. The heat was just too much.
2. The shops in Jonker Street closes way too early.
After that, the four of us walked over. I repeat, we walked over and shopped in Dataran Pahlawan, Mahkota Parade and Hatten Square. The four of us walked over from Jonker Street for 40 minutes long guys! We did some shopping. Here are pictures from Cotton On, Nichii, followed by H&M and we later then
went to Sakae Sushi for dinner. Here you go! (:

Dataran Pahlawan :)

Cotton On :)

Mahkota Parade :) H&M pictures are as follows :

That was about it from us for Day One there :)
Give me feedback and tell me what do you think!
That is all from me, for now! :)
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