Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Roses are reds, violets are blue.

Dear whoever that's reading this ;
Yeah, I know Valentine's over,
But it is only the 15th of February ;
So could you have another Valentine's for me? <3

Roses are reds,
Violets are blue,
I miss my burger and my french fries,
But not as much as I miss you! 

Whether it is just a Tuesday, Single Awareness Day (S.A.D) or even Valentine's Day, the most important this is that you had fun. I mean, I had fun for sure :D

So, as I had mentioned earlier in my previous post. All the single besties would be celebrating their Valentine's together :D So, myself, Sarah, Shaun, Sze Faye, Aaron and Aaron's friend met up over at Times Square, Starbucks entrance and the ones who were late turned out to be Shaun for five minutes and Aaron and Aaron's buddy for abruptly 15minutes? We met up, introduced each other and after wishing each other Happy Valentine's Day, we cracked out heads and decided where to have lunch. We finally settled with Oldtown's White Coffee in Berjaya Times Square itself. Sarah, Shaun and I decided not to have lunch as we were not hungry and we ended up drinking while the others ate happily away. The six of us sat there and chatted all the way. About colleges? About life? About high school lives? About friends? About parents? Talking about each other and we even came to summarize our schedules at home nowadays, life after out major exam, SPM :D It turned out to be, I am not the only one that's free at home, Sarah and Shaun were also pretty free at home. So not bad Raveenaa :) You have got gangs now :D 

ZOOM, OHMYGOD, okay. We were all talking an laughing away when Aaron suddenly got a phone call from a crying girl. God, he was so panicked and I was laughing myself away. I know, meanie me. He tried calming the girl and kept asking her to chill and kept asking the girl's location. My god. He was so panicked for real. I shall leave that to Aaron to blog and talk on it? Shall I? But one thing is for sure, that girl is so into Aaron and she is hunger for his attention? HAHAHA. Major epic drama man :) So, we paid the bills, it was RM 58.40 for a total and then we and head over to Sungei Wang, Greenbox karaoke and we got room 19 :D It was 13:45p.m. when we signed in there and we sang all the way :D The service and food quality were good there despite the fact that the fried chicken were so spicy! But, it was the price was cheap and reasonable. I wonder, how come karaoke centres today no longer provide extra microphones for their customers?

The last picture was of Wenworth Miller :) Hot and handsome right? The six of us finally decided to leave when Sarah's mum called her up at 17:00p.m. stating she is waiting for Sarah at the taxi stand at Berjaya Times Square :D So, we all took photos of ourselves together and we paid, it only costed us RM 10.00 per person? Aaron was so smart, he passed all the receipts to me, cause' he knew I would wanna blog about all these :D We left and went home :) Shaun and Sze Faye took the LRT. My mum and Sarah's fetched us both and Aaron followed his buddy home :D I am so sorry that I forgotted to take pictures of our food yesterday in Oldtown's. *SLAPS MY FOREHEAD* Anyhow, as I told Aaron this blog would take me for hours and it actually did. I got to go and get myself ready man for my History teacher. He is coming over to get the notes I typed for him. Crossed my fingers and I am praying so hard he would like it know? :S Okay, here are the photos of us :D

I love the first picture a lot. It looked good right? I took them :D The love that Aaron, Shaun and Sze Faye did looked so perfect. Okay, the second picture, my hair covered my eye and the third picture was a blur! It was aghast :O Last picture was? PERFECT :)
Whoosh, I got a Valentine's text last night about 00:30a.m. and this guy asked me to cuddle with him to sleep and I went like? WHAT THE FUCK? I was so pissed I mean, I knew he has got a girlfriend still come and flirt with me? So, I decided to tell him that I was busy and I told him good night :) Amazing and awesome me :D

 Found this on Tumblr :) HOT AS FUCK :) 

The novel I am currently reading is so boring that I can die. So not into it == Toodles! <3

Listen to this. Play the video. I love the 0:39seconds part a lot :D

The Story Of Us ;
Taylor Swift :) 

Oh, a special shout-out to my sister's blog :3


  1. remind me nt to wear all black. haha. too dark

  2. @Sze Faye : Thank you very much. Check out older posts okay? :)
    @Sarah : Okay, I shall remind you. You should remind me too :D


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