Faith. Hope. Love.
Last Friday, I wanted to catch some nap when
Aunt Hua stopped me and told me, to get ready cause' she wanted to bring me out for a movie. I ended up driving her that night and we went to the night market in Cheras Leisure Mall for dinner. Since it was a Friday. We went in for the movie, Jurassic World at 19:20 p.m. which took us two hours and ten minutes. Rating this movie : 7.5/10. We came out from movie and dropped by in Sen Q for refrigerator shopping and walked out to grab dinner at ten p.m. This is what I had for dinner, Fried Scallop for herself and Fried Oyster, for myself. Queued so long for this like seriously.
Last Saturday, I had these for dinner with the family.
Only three of us cause' Sureen went out for futsal.
I know, I am pretty late for this post but stick till the end, I'll explain why I've been procrastinating on this blog post. Anyways, I don't think anyone even knew that, last Sunday, I was even in Sunway Pyramid with a close family friend of mine. Anyways, here is
a picture of me, pulling off the Sunway Pyramid look.
So, last Sunday, which is like two days ago, I know, I am running super late for this. Anyways, I drove myself to the Bandar Tasik Selatan LRT and I hopped onto the train to switched to the Ampang lane, at Chan Sow Lin. That was when I got a call from my best girl friend, Mei Yee, telling me she has reached with her sister, Shelby already! :] In that instant, I knew I was running late, but I prayed that I wouldn't make the sisters wait so long since I was occupied with my lipstick and eyeliner in the train. Anyway, you lovelies guessed
it right! I went out with the girls for a mini date.
Once I reached Pandan Jaya, both the sisters picked me up and we drove off to Sunway Pyramid talking and chatting. I was complaining along the way that I am starving and hungry all the way there. So we were suppose to have Brussel, this Western Food shop but since it had already been shut down, we settled for Pasta Zanmai instead. The food is really good and tasty except the fact that, it was so hot in the restaurant! We were further joined by Shelby's friend
in that restaurant, Michelle later on for lunch.

The Chiow sisters!
There is another one, Piper. Really wanted to meet her but then she had to leave for a raya open house so it is okay. There would always be next time right? Speaking of Pasta Zanmai, I bumped into Carmen Yen from HELP University there as well. So, we had our lunch and talked some more and by the time we finished eating, the clock was showing 14:30 p.m.

So, the first shop that we went was Terranova and I managed to grab a top from there considering it was at such a reasonable price and you wouldn't get this shop elsewhere. We walked on to Zara, Dorothy Perkins, Brands Outlet, Nichii, I literally lost count of how many shops we entered. By 16:30p.m., the four of us, Shelby, Mei Yee, Michelle and I stopped over for desserts in Mc Donalds Mc Cafe and Mei Yee and
I ran over to grab ourselves ice-blended ice-creams from Wendy's. I didn't enjoyed it as much as Mei Yee,
I felt that Mc Donalds had better vanilla ice-creams.
When it was five, Michelle had to leave and the three of us marched on to Kitschen and took some more selfies in there. I really liked this mint dress from Nichii except the fact that it was already smeared with dirt. So we opted not to buy it cause me being the
typical me, always striving for perfectionist.
Anyways, here are pictures of us!

Before we leave Sunway Pyramid, we had to stop at
a mandatory pit stop, H&M, my favourite outlet for
a browse. Too bad I didn't get anything from there tho due to the fact that I have ugly shoulders. Okay,
the fact that the dresses looked ugly on me. So yeah.

I knew, we had to get this Taste Better durian puffs before we leave because the first time I tried it was years ago and then I ate them again in Melaka and I bought like three boxes and gave one to the sisters. They both dropped me at home and it was already seven at night thanks to the fact that I had to cook dinner. Before I hopped off the car, they gave me my belated 21st birthday gift which brought me to tears.

You loves were wondering why this post was two days late right? Remember at the start of the post I said that I was gonna tell you why I took forever for this? Simply because I have been busy packing up and the fact being I have been so scared unwrapping the gifts. It took me almost 48 hours to opened them and finally last night I found my guts to open them. Here you go :)

Saw this and I knew I just had to share this out.
Maybe I'll be this kind of a wife someday.

This is like my latest current addiction.
Just got invited to a 21st birthday upcoming month!
It is gonna be a like a mini reunion. I cannot wait!
Can I marry him and drop out of law school already?
Maybe, I should learn and pick this up!
Found? Yes? No?
Waking up to texts like these.
My Titas lecture is THE BOMB.